I never get writer’s block

See that sentence above?  Read it carefully.  “I never get writer’s block.”

Blank notepad and pencil

 Believe it or not, I’ve been stupid enough to say it.  I’ve had many friends stupid enough to say it.  If you have ever said it, be very, very careful.  Another saying comes to mind:  “Famous last words.”

It’s like saying “My kids are perfect.”

evil kids 1

One day it is going to come back at you and bite you on the nose.  Trust me LOL.

When you do get it, it’s going to be the most lonely, frustrating, horrible experience you’ve ever had.  So, for the day/month/year that you DO get writer’s block, here are some helpful ideas that MIGHT get you back on the wagon:

  • Maybe you just need a change of pace.  Sometimes you can get burnt out on one novel/story, yet you might be able to write something else.  Write a short story, an outline for your next novel, a novella, or something to get you going again.
  • Revise and/or spice up the outline for the remainder of your story.  If it can’t hold your own attention, how is it going to hold your readers’ attention?
  • Your creative output needs to be fed with input.  Listen to some great music, watch TV, phone a friend to come over, go to a movie.  Go to a party or out with friends.  Try something new.
  • In general, just chill.  Consider a holiday.  When you’re a writer it’s dead simple: take a week or two off.  Go places you haven’t been.  It’s so easy to overlook this when you work for yourself.

Chill with a friend

  • Chat to someone who adores your writing.  Let them remind you what’s great about your writing.
  • Go back to your roots.  Read or better still, write some fanfiction or make a youtube fanvid. (Then send me the link so I can watch it! – I love Youtube slash vids – some of my recent favourites are here): Last Friday Night (Destiel) ; How Bad Can I Be? (Crowley) ; Khan and Loki ‘Seven Devils’
  • Remember what made you want to write in the first place.  Make a list of reasons you enjoy writing and stick it on your fridge.
  • Apply some good old fashioned discipline.  (I know, I know.  This one never works for me either.)
  • Not a naturally sedentary person?  Maybe it’s not the writing you don’t want to do, maybe it’s all the sitting still at the computer that’s putting you off.  Use a voice recorder and use a free transcription service so you can get out and about while writing, or set up a platform on your treadmill to take your laptop.

Ask your perfectly behaved children for some plot ideas.  You’ll be amazed.  My daughter could write crime thrillers for a living (and probably will LOL).

So, I hope that helps.  Any comments/suggestions will be greatly appreciated.



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